Rustic Rose Barn
2022 Year in Review!
We Added:
New fireplace area for receptions and ceremonies
Centerpieces: Pillar Candle Holder Sets with LED Pillar candles
Cool new sitting area with couch, chairs, cowhide rug, and coffeee table
Photo Booth Option
New, more inclusive tiered packages with everything from coordination, liability insurance, and photography to all vendors including videography, upgraded linens, and more! (It's not too late to upgrade)
Coming in 2023:
Wedding Planning Workshops with Forever Borrowed on January 14 from 4-6 PM and TBA later on in 2023! Open to all of our Rustic Rose couples and other engaged couples, too!
Additional area for hair and make up
Widened seating area at pavilion
Options to upgrade to new tiered packaging!
*Plans are subject to change upon circumstances
Thank You!
We truly love our couples and cannot thank you enough for allowing us to be a part of your forever memories! We are always just a phone call or message away to answer questions, help, or even encourage as you start, or continue, planning the next chapter of your life! We are always here!
2023 Wedding Planning Workshop with Forever Borrowed Planning and Floral Design
2023 Wedding Planning Workshop January 14, 4-6 PM

If you love this design, the planning behind it, or even have ideas and planning you need help with...YOU NEED TO COME! Bring your sweetie or bring another engaged friend. This workshop is free and will help you plan the wedding of your dreams with less stress. We'll talk budget, design, manageability, vending, and MORE! It is a CAN'T MISS! RSVP for this FREE workshop today!