Today we're just going to list some tips for planning the honeymoon of your dreams:
Start Early
Host a party, instead of wedding shower. Feed your guests and ask for honeymoon funds instead of gifts.
Plan your honeymoon together. It makes planning fun and helps make sure both of you have input into places, activities, etc
Consider using a travel agent. They have insight into great places, can consider budget, and recommend activities for the trip.
Make sure you keep in mind the location's weather and season when planning .
Keep in mind that you don't have to go on the honeymoon right after the wedding. There are lots of reasons you may need to wait: weather, season, budget, jobs, etc
During this time of potential name changes, make sure that your last name for traveling/travel plans matches the last name that is currently on your license and/or passport.
In this world of "almost" post-covid, you may want to make sure that your travel plans can be rescheduled in case of any unforeseen things. READ THE FINE PRINT.
If traveling out of the country, your phone service may need to include a short term international plan for the duration of travel. Check with your wireless carrier to make sure you're covered.
Don't pack your honeymoon too full. Allow time to be in the moment and enjoy each other, rather than running from one thing to the other the whole time.
Who we recommend for honeymoon plans:
Well...one of our very own brides, Jennifer! Here's how you can contact her:
Check her out on Instagram: Letsgoluxtravel or Facebook: Lets Go Lux Travel